Remediation of con­tami­nated sites

Contaminated sites pose a signifi­cant envi­ron­men­tal chal­lenge. Profes­sio­nal reme­di­a­tion efforts ben­e­fit the envi­ron­ment, soci­ety, and the econ­omy by trans­for­ming pol­luted areas into new liv­ing, res­i­den­tial, and work­ing spaces. Our spe­cial­ists pos­sess the exper­tise, expe­ri­ence, and resources to tackle even the most com­plex sit­u­a­tions, such as :

  • Hazardous contaminated sites
  • Aquatic environment remediation
  • Comprehensive hazardous waste landfill rehabilitation

    Hazardous Contaminated Sites
    We offer tailored, compre­hensive solu­tions for soil reme­dia­tion of for­mer indus­trial sites, gas­works, and shoo­ting ranges. These solu­tions are devel­oped in close colla­bo­ra­tion with Marti Group com­pa­nies and trusted exter­nal part­ners, opti­mized for both eco­lo­gi­cal and eco­no­mic effi­ciency.

    Aquatic Environment Remediation
    Lakebed remediation projects, such as in Thalwil or Uetikon am See, require inno­va­tive approa­ches. We employ our pro­prie­tary tech­no­logy, enabling relia­ble sedi­ment remo­val from lake beds at depths of 30 meters and beyond. Our extrac­tion solu­tion is designed for large-scale remedia­tion areas, featu­ring state-­of-­the-art machine con­trol and sonar-­based lake­bed map­ping. On land, the extrac­ted mate­rial is proces­sed into filter cakes suita­ble for land­fill dispo­sal. Our water treat­ment faci­lity ensures com­pliance with dis­charge limits into water bodies. Inte­gra­ted mate­rial logistics ensure smooth remedia­tion opera­tions.

    Comprehensive Hazardous Waste Landfill Rehabilitation
    Rehabilitating hazardous waste land­fills such as Kölliken, Bonfol, and Monthey demands the high­est stan­dards of work­place safety and pro­tec­tion for both employ­ees and the envi­ron­ment. Large, air­tight halls main­tained under nega­tive pres­sure, cou­pled with effi­cient air puri­fi­cation sys­tems, create the neces­sary and optimal condi­tions for these opera­tions.

    Disposal and Logistics
    We provide specia­lized con­tain­ers for odor­ous mate­ri­als, hazar­dous waste, and dangerous goods (RID/ADR com­pli­ant). These are ideal for tran­s­port­ing bulk mate­ri­als, such as con­tami­nated soil, to treat­ment facil­i­ties.

    At our modern soil washing plant on the Novakies AG site, we accept, clean, and process all types of con­tami­nated con­struc­tion waste and sludges into new build­ing mate­ri­als. This approach allows us to close mate­rial cycles and conserve nat­u­ral resources such as gravel and sand.


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