
We are committed to sus­tain­ability, which means striking the right balance between economic and en­viron­mental aspects. We carry out our recycling tasks with high-performance, low-emission machines and equipment.

During de­molition and de­construction, we break down the building materials into their individual com­ponents. While we process concrete and pave­ment into granules our­selves, we transfer materials such as metal, wood, and other materials to partner com­panies for proper disposal.

We recycle de­molition materials at our universal recycling plant in Walliswil. The accepted materials are crushed, sorted, washed, and screened as necessary. We temporarily store the products cleaned in this process.

Novakies also belongs to the Marti Group. We take con­tam­inated ex­cavated and demolition materials to our Lätti building materials center and re­condition them using dry and wet mechanical processes. We recycle approx­imately 90 percent of the delivered material into reusable gravel, sand, or concrete. This allows us to conserve natural resources and scarce landfill space and close the loop on building materials.


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