
Everything we do, we do with passion – which is why we do it so well. We are at home on the street, on bridges and build­ings, and in corridors, tunnels, and shafts. On the road, we operate with con­veyor belts, cranes, and ex­cavat­ors, meas­uring tape and tables, passion and a great deal of ex­pertise.

Conveyor technology

In order to ensure efficient pro­cesses on con­struc­tion sites, we plan and develop simple to highly complex con­veyor belt systems for com­panies all over the world. Our specialty includes equip­ment for tunneling and industrial plants.

We work with a high degree of flexibility and tailor all con­veyor belt and trans­port systems to the specific site require­ments. We handle every­thing from service to operation and main­tenance.

This is why our con­veyor belt systems were used in the con­struction of the Gubrist Tunnel, the Jingping Hydropower Station in China, and the Brenner Base Tunnel.


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