
Everything we do, we do with passion – which is why we do it so well. We are at home on the street, on bridges and build­ings, and in corridors, tunnels, and shafts. On the road, we operate with con­veyor belts, cranes, and ex­cavat­ors, meas­uring tape and tables, passion and a great deal of ex­pertise.


We implement and deliver electro­mechanical systems and the re­quired in­strument­ation and control technology for traffic infra­structure. Our work is primarily focused on en­suring the safety of all road users.

Our in­strument­ation and control tech­nology for traffic infra­structure systems en­sures a high degree of operational re­liability. In addition, it is easy to operate and can be easily in­tegrated into the existing infra­structure.

Our plant en­gineeri­ng experts handle the tech­nology for process control, the brain of a plant, so to speak. They en­sure that the quantity and quality of the out­put are accurate and that the plant operates in an energy- and cost-efficient manner. Our ex­pertise also covers the design of switch­gear for the operating and safety equip­ment of the traffic infra­structure.

Among other projects, our equip­ment was de­ployed in the con­struc­tion of the Schöneichtunnel, the Visp South bypass, and the N06 Rubigen-Thun-Spiez main­tenance project.


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