Renovation and extension of the EWZ main building in Herdern
Renovation and extension of the EWZ main building in Herdern

Renovation and extension of the EWZ main building in Herdern

The ewz-Herdern project aims to renovate, expand, and modernize the main building of ewz (Electricity Works of the City of Zurich) to meet today's safety and energy efficiency require­ments. This renovation is set against the back­drop of build­ings in Switzerland con­sum­ing 41% of the energy. Renovation and refur­bish­ment are there­fore essential to improve the energy effi­ciency of buildings.

The entire building is being planned and certified according to the Minergie-P eco standard, gua­ran­tee­ing high energy and eco-effi­ciency.

Marti AG, Bauunternehmung is leading the project and is respon­si­ble for the spe­cial­ist civil engi­neer­ing and con­struc­tion work, with par­tic­u­lar caution due to the prox­im­ity of a com­bined sewer and trans­for­mers. Demo­li­tion work is carried out using human-oper­ated demo­li­tion robots.

Dealing with Contaminated Sites

Marti AG Basel is responsible for gutting, non-struc­tural demo­li­tion, and pol­lu­tant reme­di­a­tion. Approx­i­mately 100 tons of asbestos-con­tain­ing mate­rial and 3 200 tonnes of waste were removed in com­pli­ance with strict regula­tions. The work requires air­locks, air filters, and monitored fresh air supply.

Grund- und Tiefbau AG (G+T) is con­struct­ing water­proof sheet piling* and their rein­force­ment in the form of braces** to address the chal­lenges of the inner-city loca­tion.

“This construction site involves all branches of con­struc­tion. From specia­lized civil engi­neer­ing to water conser­va­tion, conta­mi­nated site and pol­lutant reme­dia­tion, it has it all.”
Luca Cabiallavetta,,
Construction Manager, Marti AG, Baunternehmungen

Sustainable Innovations

Stump-BTE AG is in charge of ground­water lowering. 

Groundwater needs to be lowered to ensure that the new under­ground build­ings can be built in dry con­di­tions. The ground­water is pumped out at a rate of 16 000 l/min, then chan­neled through a settling basin into a pumping basin. It is also of central impor­­tance for the 2 000-watt-capable energy supply. It is the primary energy source for the planned inno­va­tive recir­cu­la­tion system. The roof inte­grates a photo­voltaic system of nearly 2  000 m², producing around 160 000 kWh annually.

In addition to the challenging inner-city logis­tics, this con­struc­tion site harbors many other chal­lenges. All involved parties are there­fore wor­king with maxi­mum focus and pre­ci­sion. 

We are proud to con­tribute to a sus­tain­able future.

*A sheet pile is a structure used to secure exca­va­tion sites or ter­rain steps, which can also serve a seal­ing func­tion.

** A brace or strut supports verti­cal exca­va­tion walls such as sheet piles, soldier piles, and secant piles.


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