Gubrist Tunnel
Gubrist Tunnel

Gubrist Tunnel

Regensdorf, Switzerland

The Nordring in Zurich is a bottle­neck. A quarter of Switzerland’s overall con­ges­tion hours occur on this 10 km stretch. The A1 ex­pansion of the Zurich northern by­pass from four to six lanes is de­signed to eliminate the chronic bottle­neck. In addition to the con­struc­tion of the third tube of the Gubrist Tunnel, the Marti Gubrist consortium has worked on various sub­projects along the entire route.


Bundesamt für Strassen ASTRA


Marti Tunnel AG
Marti Technik AG
Renesco AG
Marti AG, Bauunternehmung, Zürich

Construction period

2016 – 2021


Facts & Figures

special features

  • Geology: Mostly upper freshwater molasse (alternating layers of sandstone, siltstone, and marl)
  • Driving operations for mining using roadheaders
  • Calotte excavation with trailing side walls
Tunnel length

additional information

More projects


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