Special civil engineering and hydraulic engineering

The interaction of the soil and water elements shapes the sub­soil con­ditions. We know this in­side and out. We focus on stability and safety. Thanks to their ex­pertise and the use of state-of-the-art technology, our specialists imple­ment complex projects, even in the most adverse geo­logical and hydro­logical conditions. The following services are used for this:

  • Pile, rill, diaphragm, and sheet pile walls
  • Micro and large diameter drilled piles
  • Full displacement drilled and driven in-situ piles
  • Soil and rock anchors
  • Soil nailing
  • Hydraulic and river structures
  • Injections

Our daily tasks include all measures, inter­ventions, and con­struc­tions in the area of ground­water and surface waters. This includes, for ex­ample, the ex­cavation re­inforce­ment for the new main building of the Inselspital hospital in Bern and the Emme flood pro­tection and re­vitalization project in the canton of Solothurn.


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